FF14 Gil Guide – How to Make Gil in Final Fantasy XIV

FF14 Gil is the in-game currency used to purchase items and advance through the game, and can be earned by undertaking quests, dungeons or the Market Board.

Typically, the best time and way to earn Gil is during the first week after any major patch has gone live. Omnicrafters can profit by reselling materia as prices soar during this period.


FFxiv Gil can be used for various reasons, from housing and gear purchases, food purchases for raids and minions/mounts/mounts as well as cosmetic items like glamour.

A straightforward way of making Gil in Final Fantasy 14 is through becoming a Crafter and undercutting the market board, although this requires lots of grinding time and can pay off handsomely.

Day trading can also be an excellent way to earn Gil. This involves searching the marketplace and purchasing items that cost less in one world but sell higher elsewhere. Treasure maps offer another source of gil, though these require multiple people completing them simultaneously during a new patch cycle.


One way to earn FFxiv Gil is through daily duty roulette and challenge log. However, you could also make significant money through leves and side quests that award Gil.

Mining and botany are excellent ways to earn gil by selling materials collected, but it’s crucial that you monitor prices and demand. If base materials are relatively cheap on the market board, perhaps investing your efforts elsewhere might prove more fruitful.

Ventures offer another excellent means of making gil without collecting or crafting it, and should ideally be completed with multiple players to ensure you can always beat back any monster guarding the treasure.


Casual gamers and free trial gamers may overlook the importance of Gil, while hardcore gamers require it in abundance to advance in the game. They may use it for luxury items, mounts and houses; in addition to buying materia for powering up gear such as tomestones.

One surefire way to make a lot of FFxiv Gil is to undercut other sellers on the Market Board and sell at lower prices than they do – especially late at night when your competitors have retired for the night, when your goods can sell well to all the night owls buying your goods!


This section is tailored for novice Raiders looking to start out. It’s important to keep in mind that raiding requires patience and an open mindset in terms of preparation and mental approach.

Raid groups will lose many battles and this is totally fine – what’s essential is recognizing any mistakes and correcting them as soon as possible. For instance, DPSs who repeatedly fail mechanics could either not be performing optimally or lack quality gear – easily rectifiable through training skills and upgrading gear.

As part of Raid groups, it is also vitally important that everyone remain polite as one slight can lead to another person lashing out and ragequitting a boss, creating unnecessary delays and potentially making things very frustrating for everyone involved.


Use retainers to sell materials is a quick and simple way for gamers in Final Fantasy XIV to make quick money quickly. Simply add items to their retainer’s inventory before selecting which materials and items should be sold on the market board. This technique works best at the start of each new patch when new materials and items have yet to reach their market. If needed, interested individuals can click here or visit my response in order to know about Ffxiv Gil.

Gamers can earn FFxiv Gil by doing daily roulettes and working their challenge log. Killing monsters also awards Gil, while rarer ones often drop materials that crafters need and can sell to make a significant amount of money.


When it comes to earning Gil in Final Fantasy 14, it is essential to remember that nothing comes free. Even if it seems as though you are making tons of cash at first glance, there will eventually be costs involved such as time or energy consumption.

One great way of earning Gil in Final Fantasy 14 is using your Retainers on Ventures, providing a steady source of in-game currency and experience while providing steady income streams.

An additional way of earning Gil is selling items on the Market Board, although this may not be your most profitable means. Just keep an eye on it as prices can shift rapidly depending on what’s sold and who buys what.